This is a rather scarce grouping of T-94 items.  

First is the fine weave fabric holster with the strap.  Both fine weave and coarse weave holsters were made late war.

Second is the rare T-94 single box ammo pouch that was made to attach to the strap.  There was no provision for spare ammo on the holster, like the T-14s, so a separate pouch was made but, apparently, not in large numbers.

Third is a scarce box of T-94 ammo.  The box looks like a T-14 box but has "94 Type" written on it instead of "14 Type".  All of the T-94 ammo that I am aware of was made in 1939 (Showa 14).  I don't know why they waited 3 1/2 years to start marking the ammo "94 Type" and I don't know why it was just made for one year.  It was likely just production pressures of the war that really started getting cranked up in 1939.  

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