2014 P.38 Forum Meeting
Below: Mark Castel gets the meeting started
Dietrich Jonke starts his presentation while Ron Clarin dims the lights
Below, left to right: Mark Castel (Mark), Alex Krutzek, Dietrich Jonke (k98kman), Jim Petty
Below, left to right: Tom Heller (lugerdoc@charter.net), Bob Bobbitt (Bobbitt 1941), Dale Meckler (dalep38)
Below, left to right: Jim Gentile, Dan Rinehart, Tom Jackson (HOF), Dan Buckley (Dan44)
Below, left to right: Charles Wagner (cpw), John Tibbets (jt1968), Jesse Morten (falcon1), Malcolm Saxon (Saxon)
Below: Chuck Richter (Duster42) on left and DJ (Dennis Johnson) man the sign in table.
Below, right to left: Vince Wehner (mgvince), Dave Shike (Eger)
Below, right to left: Paul Hodder, Ron Darling (rdarling)
Below, right to left: Adam Stipp (aes2409), Al Stipp (Al Stipp), Stan Sharpe (StanDoff)
Below, right to left: Al Stipp (Al Stipp), ???, ???, ???, Stan Sharpe (StanDoff)
Below, right to left: Al Bell, Casey Dean, Bill Castle (slivver), Olle Fornehed (Olle), Nicholas Babich, Greg Babich
Below, right to left: Buddy Buendtner (Buddy Buendtner), Darrell Dall, Mark Berta (marksman), Len Kosmalski (Len K)
Below: Richard Hunter (Maxula)
Below: DJ's name has just been announced as P.38 Forum Member of the Year
Below: DJ going to receive his award
Below: Ron Clarin and Mark Castel doing the raffle.
Below: Very nice prizes on the raffle table
Below: Members looking over the "For Sale" table. Looks like DJ is serious.