2016 Show of Shows P.38/PP/PPK Forum Meeting

All captions are before the picture


Visting before the meeting




Attendees followed by their P.38 Forum user name if available

Seated left to right:  Alex Krutcek (mod.hp), John Tibbetts (jt1968), Bruce Street, Benson Hardaway

Left to right:  Ron Darling (rdarling), Bob Weiss (RockinWR), Jim Gentile, Steve Papp (Steve Papp), Greg Papp (Steve Papp)


Left to right:  Don Pollock (donp326), Dan Rinehart, Jim Purnell (Jim Purnell), Roy Lohr


Left to right:  Charles Wagner (CPW), Casey Dean, Al Bell


Right to left:  Dave Shike (eger), Bob Bobbitt (Bobbitt1941)


Right to Left:  John Pastella (History Collector), Vince Wehner (mgvince), David Eash, ?, ?


Right to left:  Al Stipp (Al Stipp), Adam Stipp (aes2409), Bob Masters (Rmasters3), Louis Powell, Scott Walters


Right to Left:  Stan Sharpe (StanDoff), Buddy Buendtner (Buddy Buendtner), Len Kosmalski (Len K),

Ty O'Conner (ugafx4), Kevin Gunn (Blicero)


Jerry May (Jerry), Dale Meckler (dalep38), Mark Berta (Marksman), Dave Baird, Chuck Richter (Duster42)


Left:  Dennis Johnson (DJ)  Right: Malcolm Saxon (SAXON)


Our MC, Mark Castel (Mark)


Ron Clarin (Ron from Minnesota) talking about the raffle rules


Mark Castel giving his presentation "WW2 Capture Papers & Documents"


Alex Krucek talking about the new P.38 book he is finishing


Dave Shike giving his presentation "Unusual P.38 Late War Pistols & Parts"


Ron and Mark holding the awards for the "P.38 & PP - PPK FORUM MEMBER OF THE YEAR

which was to be presented to Bill Castle who couldn't attend due to illness.



Raffle Prizes


For Sale Table


Ron and Mark drawing raffle tickets


Ron, Bob Weiss and Mark Castel with one of the prize items in the raffle which Bob won.


"Show and Tell" after the meeting