Patronen 318 Anti-Tank round to be used by the Panzerbusche Anti-Tank rifle. It was also known as S.m.K.H.Rs.L'spur.
This is a 13mm case with a 8mm bullet. It is armor piercing, tracer and has a tear gas pellet inside
the bullet. The idea was for the round to penetrate the armor and rattle around inside to release the
tear gas. I know of someone who took one of these apart once and verified the hard way that it did,
indeed, have a tear gas or pepper spray inside. The round has a muzzle velocity 3,540 feet per second
according to US tests. The anti-tank rifles became ineffective pretty quickly as armor improved so most
the the rifles were reworked to create a GrB39 Granatbusche grenade launching rifle. They used a round
with a wooden bullet. Notice the crack in the casing of this round. You sure wouldn't want to try
to fire this one!!