German Ammunition

Note:  To order ammo you must fill out the statement that guarantees that you may legally receive and possess ammunition in your locale.  Please send statement in with your payment.  I will keep them on file so you only have to do this once if your address stays the same.

9mm Boxes

8mm, 1935, heavy pointed ball

8mm, 1936 armor piercing, yellow tracer

8mm, 1937 armor piercing, tracer (no color identified)

8mm, 1937 armor piercing, yellow tracer

8mm, 1938 armor piercing, yellow tracer

8mm, 1938 armor piercing, yellow tracer

(Different maker than above)


8mm, 1939 armor piercing, yellow tracer

8mm, 1940 iron core ball, fur MG

8mm, 1941 armor piercing, orange tracer, 100/600

8mm, 1941 armor piercing, white tracer, 100/600

8mm, 1942 armor piercing

8mm Loose Rounds, Steel Cased, Iron Core Bullets